Garter Band Auditions
Garter Band Auditions
When selected as a member of a Garter Band, students are promised a 2-year appointment. Garter Band Auditions take place every spring for open positions.* Information will be posted below as it becomes available.
The Garter Bands perform before every football game for tailgates, for all women’s volleyball games as well as many other performances on and off campus. Student leadership and active student group involvement have made these groups truly exceptional. A faculty member advises the group, but student directors organize all tune selection, rehearsals and performances.

*Eligibility: The Garter Bands are highly active groups with demanding performance schedules. To be eligible, you must be a full-time (12 credits) University of Oregon student actively working towards your degree. You must also be a member of the Oregon Marching Band and the Oregon Basketball Band. Green Garter Band members receive a scholarship of $6,300 per year and must have at least 1-year prior membership in the OMB; Yellow Garter Band members receive a scholarship of $1,350 per year and do not need prior membership. Garter Band obligations begin in September and may run into June each year. It is expected that as a member of the Garter Bands, you prioritize rehearsals and performances over outside groups/gigs. Positions that are awarded outside the spring regular audition are awarded for 1 year only.
2024-2025 Green & Yellow Garter Band Audition
Auditions will be held in-person on Tuesday, May 28 2024 from 5PM – 10PM.
Video auditions will be accepted but must be submitted before May 27, 2024.
Sign up for an audition by sending an email to by May 23, 2024
Please refer to the audition instructions (linked here) for complete details.
Prepared pieces will be found linked below.
The following positions will be open for audition (updated 5/13/24):
Alto Sax (GGB + YGB)
Tenor Sax*
Bari Sax (GGB*)
Lead Trumpet (GGB*)
Trumpet 2 (GGB + YGB)
Lead Trombone (YGB)
Bass (YGB)
Drums (GGB*)
*Depending on the outcome of GGB auditions, additional YGB positions may be open. If you are interested in one of these positions, should it open, it is recommended that you audition.
Please direct any questions to