Remembering Eric

There are a multitude of ways to “rise to fame” in a group so large, diverse, and high profile as the Oregon Marching Band. Some members make an early mark by distinguishing themselves as an elite musician. Several climb the ladder by seeking out and obtaining various student leadership positions. Others find their way by volunteering for anything and everything, serving the group behind the scenes. In all honesty, any of these paths above could be used to describe Eric Humphrey. However, Eric didn’t make a place for himself with his trumpet, leadership skills, volunteerism, or popularity. Eric forged his legacy through his spirit, his heart, and his kindness.
When Eric joined the OMB as a freshman, people instantly gravitated towards his personality. He had a way of making everyone around him feel immediately at ease and welcome, even though it was he who was the new member. His friendships crossed throughout the entire band, regardless of age, instrument (code: cliques), or social status. It takes a truly special person to create a unique bond and genuinely care about each new person they meet.
When Eric was diagnosed with cancer, the band took action. T-shirts were made, blogs were written, heads were shaved, support was aired. If you ever want something done right, mobilize a marching band. Through all the spectacle, one constant remained: Eric cared for others. When members went to offer their support to Eric, hoping to give him a recharge, it was they who left rejuvenated. While we were the ones who thought we were encouraging Eric, it was he who was inspiring us.
For the remaining years following Eric’s diagnosis, he became the soul of the band. When Eric was on the field, the band worked a little harder. When Eric was in pain, the band was resilient. When Eric was healthy, the band flourished. Now that Eric has passed, the band and its members have developed the emotional fortitude needed to move through any number of difficult life circumstances. Most importantly, Eric taught us life’s most significant lesson: care. Care for anyone. Care for everyone. Show you care. Say you care. Make yourself available to a new friend or experience and the rewards will be plentiful.

Eric Humphrey 2020 Spirit Award Recipient

My name is Kat Chapman and I am a class of 2021 Popular Music Studies major at the UO. I’ve had the opportunity of spending 5 years in the Oregon Marching Band, playing cymbals, trombone, and bass drum. Throughout this time I was the cymbal section leader for a year, and for my final year, I helped establish a new band council position of Student Safety Advocate, with the purpose of being a voice and ally to those who experience sexual assault, discrimination, and other concerns within the band. The goal of this was to help catalyze a much needed culture shift within the OMB.
Although I never had the opportunity to meet Eric, he lives on in what the OMB strives to represent in our lives day to day. The idea that we can make someone smile, laugh, or positively impact them with just the smallest of acts is something that will always make my heart full. Eric’s spirit and care has not only become a pillar in the ways in which I will continue to lead my life, but a pillar in the culture and community of the Oregon Marching Band. He has shown the impact that positivity can leave, and I would be grateful to have left even half the influence that he has had on others throughout my life. I am so incredibly honored to be given an award that is associated with someone who means so much to so many people.
Eric Humphrey 2021 Spirit Award Recipient

My name is Scout Trom and I am a biology major with a marine biology emphasis, and minors in chemistry and environmental science, Class of 2022 at the UO. I have been a member of the Oregon Marching Band for four years, as a member of the front ensemble (and a brief year as a part of ‘front-encymbals’). I served as section leader for the last two years and loved my time in the percussion section. Some of my favorite times with the band were during some of the hardest times, but the wonderful members of the band allowed me to turn hard times into fun and rewarding work. My time in the Oregon Marching Band would not have been as great without all of the amazing individuals I met along the way, as they leaned into the joy and fun of music.
While I never had the privilege to know Eric, I have heard amazing things about him during my time in the band and his legacy of positivity certainly lives on in the OMB. I am incredibly honored to have been selected as the 2022 recipient of the Eric Humphrey Scholarship. I am proud that I embody the amazing spirit Eric brought to the OMB. It is an honor to be recognized by the band to embody the kind spirit and love I know Eric brought to the band. I strive to bring positivity and a supportive atmosphere in everything I do and am so grateful the OMB continues to honor Eric and his spirit in this way. It is such an honor to be chosen for this award. I will continue to carry the positive spirit of Eric with me now and into the future, spreading positivity and support wherever I go.
Eric Humphrey 2022 Spirit Award Recipient

My name is Torrye Torrance, and I am a Music Education major at the University of Oregon, graduating in 2024. I am currently in my third year with the OMB, and I was trumpet 2 in the Yellow Garter Band before moving up to GGB, as well as section leader for the trumpet section. The Oregon Athletic Bands hold a huge part of my heart, and some of the best memories and friends I have are attributed to this organization. I’ve been able to find my closest friends and create a family within this organization, and I am endlessly grateful for it.
While I never had the opportunity to meet Eric, his story and spirit have stuck with me since first talking about him. I remember my section leader talking about Eric my freshman year in the trumpet section. We continue to talk about him every year at the beginning of camp (something I was proud to continue as section leader this year), and while I never got the chance to meet him, I think about him as I do athletic bands. I can tell the impact he left on the athletic bands even now, and I hope to continue spreading even a fraction of the spirit he had.
Eric Humphrey 2023 Spirit Award Recipient

My name is Henry Swint, and I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Operations and Business Analytics at the University of Oregon. I have been a part of the Oregon Athletic Bands for 3 years, participating in Marching Band, Basketball Band, and officially joined the Green Garter Band in Fall 2023 as Trumpet 3. Before I got to college, I fell out of love with music as my senior year took place during the pandemic. I didn’t know what college would be like or what opportunities I would get, but I know for a fact that making band my one special activity outside of academics was the best decision I could have ever made. As the Recruitment Chair for the Oregon Athletic Band Council in the 2023-2024 year, I was able to share my passion for the band with potential new members. To me, it’s without a doubt that the spirit and energy that the band has today is all thanks to Eric Humphrey.
To be selected as someone who represents the spirit and service that Eric demonstrated day after day is something I will never take for granted. Every year, our trumpet section gets together at the start of band camp and we talk about Eric and how his character and motivation to put others before himself is the standard that sets the foundation for the entire band. Eric had a service-oriented mindset and wanted to be a part of every aspect of the band. This was just one of the many ways that he had an impact on those around him. While I never knew Eric, I will do my best to keep his legacy alive for the next generation of student leaders and members to hear as his legacy continues forever in the OMB.

Enter the gift amount. The Designation should say “Eric Humphrey Memorial Endowment for the Oregon Athletic Bands”.
Skip down to “My Gift is a Tribute” and enter in Eric Humphrey. If you would like to mail your gift, please make checks payable to “UO Foundation” with “In Memory of Eric Humphrey”
in the memo line to:
University of Oregon Foundation
1720 E. 13th Avenue, Suite 410
Eugene, OR 97403-1950
An overwhelming amount of support has come in over the last couple of years that has met and exceeded our goal. Thank you for your help in establishing an endowment that will allow us to honor Eric every year.
Edward Adams
Adobe Systems, Inc
Richard Allen
Joan Ambrose
Tiffany ’89 and Matthew Baker
Douglas Barrett
Bonita Beck
Susan Beck
Tyler Beck
Becker Family Trust DTD 6/12/84
Jennifer Becker
Virginia Becker
Heather and Randall Benson
Timothy Boudreau
Stacy and Mark Budzinski MBA’87
Julie ’85 and Christopher Butler
Shawn Byars
Ellyn Bye
Catherine and Joseph Calbreath
Debbie ’87 and Carey Caldwell ’87
Mary and Jeff Campbell
William Carter ’84
Casting for Recovery, Inc.
Kaden Christensen ’16
Duncan Clist
Daisy Ducks
Charlotte Dandridge
Carole and Jeffrey Dandridge
Daniel B. Rodriguez Trust
Lara Davis
Angelina Del Balzo
Mary and Carl Del Balzo
Chonna Delaney
Judy and Thomas deRegt
Melanie Dines
Kim and Randy Dossey
Rachel Drummond ’03, MEd ’05
Donna Mary Dulchich ’51
Duncan Clist Landscaping, Inc.
Kevin Dunder
Jill Dyche
Elaine and Henry Dykes
Sharon and Greg Elsey
Michele Esser
Michele ’88 and Gerald Farnell ’90
Fidelity Charitable Give Fund
Ann and Mark Foulger
Victoria and Jim Fowler
Andrea and David Friedlander
Kimberly and David Friedricks
Erin Riley and Robert Fujimoto
Laura Gallagher
Nancy and David Girton
Sheryl Goodman
Peggy and Robert Graham
Marcela and Christopher Groff
Chesley Haden
Stephen Hanleigh
Lynnette and Craig Hardy
Trish Harman
James Hendry
Mary Hewitt
Lawrence Heywood
Sandra Hillier
Debra Hodges
Cindy Hoff
Madge and Mark Hollinger
Xuye Huang
Humphrey Strategic Communications
Rebecca and Kurt Humphrey
Scott Humphrey
Tracy Humphrey
Jennifer and Paul Imai
Intelligent Solutions, Inc.
Erika Iqbal
Henry Jacobson MBA ’84
Allan Jacoby
Dawn and David Jenkins
Bonnie Jorgensen
Kappa Kappa Psi
Robyn Kelly
James Kleck
Penelope and Philip Knight ’59
Tessy and Bruce Knudsen
Laurel Koehn
John Kovatch
Cary Kreutzer
Howard Krivoy ’65, MS ’67
Kathleen Krushas
Letisha Lakey
Betty Larson
David Lauder
Rachel Lea
Evan Levy
Margret and David Linderman
Gaylyn Little
Sherri and Scott Lorch
Krista Luoto
Patricia MacQueen ’11
Scott Maitland ’93
Susan Benson-Marks and James Marks
James McCarty
Amy McConnel
Brenda and William McConnel
Ginger McDonald
Debra and Gregory Mettler ’79, JD ’84
R.J. Monaghan
Rebekah Moon
Barbara Morgan
Molly Morgan’73, MS ’78
William Morgan
Christina Mulkey
Gail Murphy
National Life Group
Kevin Nuno
ON2 Percussion LLC
Oracle Corporation
Oregon Club of Portland
Paul Santucci
General Engineering
Lucas Pfeifer ’14
Logan Poe
Prediction Software, Inc.
Marisa ’13, MM “14 and Steven Quin ’10
Glen Rabie
Kerry Rasmussen
Michael Richards ’66
Roaring Rapids Pizza Company
Kathy Robinson
Daniel Rodriguez ’84, MBA ’00
Patricia Rodgers
Kim and Richard Rohrich
Paul Roth MS ’92
Helen Rounds
Carol and Steven Rupnow
Andrea Russell
Paul Santos ’16
Micah Sardell ’03
Peggy Schecter
Nicole Laskowski MS ’03
Schwab Charitable Fund
Lara Shackelford
So. Oregon CFR Volunteers
Nadene Stone
Linda and Peter Stone
Amelia Tahaney
Shawn Taylor ’14
Mary Tetlow
The King Family Trust
Christine Ertl and Jon Walton ’82, JD ’92
Elizabeth and Colin White
Michael Whitehead
Teressa Whitney