2018 Garter Band Auditions

2018-2019 Garter Band Audition Announcement

Auditions will be held at the School of Music on

Monday, May 21, 5:30pm -10:30 in room 173


***Everyone auditioning must contact Anna Frazer by email: bandadm@uoregon.edu ***


Specific audition materials are linked below.

Auditions will be grouped by instrument so you will not need to be there the entire time. Specific times will be announced before May 18th.  If you are an incoming student, you may send in a recording, but live auditions are encouraged.


Scholarship: Green Garter Band members who meet all membership requirements receive a yearly scholarship of $6300. Yellow Garter Band members receive a $1350 yearly scholarship.

Eligibility: The Garter Bands are highly active groups with demanding performance schedules. To be eligible, you must be a full-time (12 credits) University of Oregon student actively working towards your degree. You must also be a member of the Oregon Marching Band and the Oregon Basketball Band. Green Garter Band members must have at least 1-year prior membership in the OMB; Yellow Garter Band members do not need prior membership. Garter Band obligations begin in September and may run into June each year.


Please refer to the audition instruction sheet for complete details.
(click to open)


Green Garter Band

The following positions are open for audition (click the part for audition materials):


Alto Sax 1

Bari Sax

Trumpet 2

Trumpet 3



Yellow Garter Band

The following positions are open for audition (click the part for audition materials):


Alto Sax 1

Bari Sax

Trumpet 1

Trumpet 2

Trumpet 3


Lead Trombone

Bass Trombone




Depending on the outcome of GGB auditions, additional GGB or YGB positions may be open. If you are interested in one of these positions, should it open, it is recommended that you audition. (click the part for audition materials)


Alto Sax 2

Tenor Sax




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